Free Dream Interpretation


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  1. A week or so ago I had a dream I was in a city in a high rise and I could see across the street onto a smaller 10(ish) story building that had this apartment with a huge balcony and bunch of people were on the balcony having a party and I was thinking how cool that apartment was. Last night I was back in the same city, but this time I was living in that cool apartment with my daughter and her father (who passed 6 years ago) and she was a teenager in the dream as she is today and her father was abusive as he was when he was alive. We were hiding from him and called the cops and they showed up and she left the apartment. I went to look for her and ended up in the pool area. There were these stairs that went up to the 8th floor of the pool (which was on the 4th fl) the pool was indoors and the ceiling went up to the 10th floor, so lots of space from the pool to the ceiling. The stairs that took you from floor 8-9 were so incredibly steep . When I got to the top I almost fell because there was a gate you had to climb over. I got over the gate and the walkway was 12inches wide and I made it across and went to turn into the bathroom, which has these two rails and was 12in wide as well. I was holding onto one of the rails and it broke off. I looked back and knew I was going to fall the 5-6 stories into the pool. I accepted this, took my glasses off as I started to fall and threw them down into the pool asking others to catch them. I have to hold my nose when I go under water and I took a breath and held my nose and looked down and still had a ways to go so I took another breath and looked again and still had a ways to fall. I took a third breath and that is when I finally hit the water. I came up, took my glasses and left that area. the next area was the kiddie area with small slides and a woman was sitting at the base of one of the slides talking on the phone and I had to pee and wanted to pee in the pool water but she was right there so I did not.

    Next thing I know I am in my car driving into the neighborhood that I live in waking life. I am alone in the car and there is a huge crocodile in the middle of the road. There are kids close to it, but their mom was pulling them back and there were other people around as well. I look to my passenger seat and there is my daughter, the crocodile is mouth open under my front driver tire and top of mouth on the hood of my car. I try to run it over but it is strong. Anytime I back up and turn around the croc meets me there and wont let me though. Then I woke up

    • Dear C,
      This dream is about the challenges that your ego has when you try to move to a more joyful, relaxed place in your life. When your higher self wants to be in a joyful place, your ego mind remembers the challenges of living with an abusive partner. Your mind thinks that the same kinds of things are going to happen, that everything is going to be precarious, and that there are a lot of other alligator people that you will have to face and confront.
      Try doing this exercise. Visualize your fearful self, the one that is having to face alligators and go up difficult steps. This is the one that lived with your ex husband. Then ask yourself how she acts. Then visualize your newer self that knows how to live a joyful, relaxed life.
      The fearful self will be hyper-vigilant, while the joyful self with be fully present, embracing the moment. When you can feel the joy then just let the image of the fearful self go away. Do this everyday for a week or two. Being joyful in your own self will make your daughters life work out really well.

  2. I had a dream that I was outside a soccer stadium and a game was going on. It was crowded and I was sitting at a picnic table with a famous football player and my friend. The famous football player was holding a black kitten in his arm, it was so black that it would sometimes look like a black shadow. The kitten was my childhood pet who died because it broke its leg, and I felt bad that I could not take care of it but the soccer player was taking care of it. I asked the soccer player to hold it he would give it to me but then he would take it back because the I was not taking care of the kitten properly.

    • Hi Emma,
      This dream is a continuation of the theme in the other dream you sent. The soccer player represents someone who is very competent, while the cat represents independence. In order to be competent like the soccer player you have to take car of the black kitten which is your independence. You probably have been in relationships where there was enmeshment and co-dependence. You can be in a relationship but only after you develop the quality of independence.

  3. I had a dream long ago about man I was dating who liked to grab my hand and look at it and study it. Then a hole would form on my hand that I would pull my hand away from him. Then I had a dream that an octopus would try to eat my hands and my feet but I would pull away. Then I saw a woman with a tattoo on her hand and I wondered if the monster tried to eat her hand to but she covered the scratches with a tattoo.

    • Dear Emma,
      When you have a dream about hands, it is about your skills or abilities. When you were in that relationship, it affected your abilities or skills. An octopus means he/others are all over you which would again affect your ability to do things. Getting out of that kind of relationship/s is the thing to do so you can remember how competent you are and get things done.

  4. Hello

    this was a sex dream but I have these types of sex dreams where I am having sex with some people but their cum in black. They also look like snails or they seem to look like living organisms that are not sperm. What does it mean to dream about men having black sperm.

    • Hi Emma,
      When the cum is black is means that their motives are dark, usually power-driven, rather than intimacy-driven. Good sex, intimacy, is about closeness, mutual respect, equality, give and take, not about taking only.

  5. I had a dream that I was laying beside a man that I am seeing right now. There is this blue soap in my home country that we used to used so he was scrabbing me with the soap but that soap had chemicals that it would irritate my skin. I asked him why he was doing this but he won’t answer but I kept seeing the picture of the bardo in my mind.

    • Hi Emma,
      This dream and the other one have something to do with learning how to be intimate with others, not necessarily sexually, but it doesn’t preclude sex. When someone is doing something that is irritating you, and does not have the courtesy or consideration to stop doing it, then it is time to have strong boundaries with that person even when you are attracted because the relationship is about them and not about the both of you. For intimacy to happen both people need to be giving and receiving in an unselfish manner. Sex, like any other relationship, is much better if both partners are being pleasing to each other. Having mutual relationships where there is an equality of giving and taking is the goal.

  6. What does it mean when you have a dream in a dream?

    i had a dream where i was dreaming and woke up in my dream before waking up. Doesn’t make sense when i try to explain it.

    also, right before i wake up from “a dream in a dream” i some how consciously know im dreaming and i felt like my eyes were physically open as i was dreaming. Like my conscienceness was awake when i was sleeping.

    • There are 2 types of waking up. You can wake up in real life, like when something bad happens which makes you wake up and start paying attention to important things, or you can wake up when you are in the inner world, like through meditation or in a dream. It means that in the process of going inward, you are waking up to new realizations and realities. It is a great thing to wake up in the inner worlds.

  7. I dreamed I was on a bus, nervous. I was combing my hair when someone grabbed my comb and got off the bus. I saw my deceased friend standing and looking at me on the bus. The person went to my deceased friend who was dressed in a nice suit. She handed him my comb and he looked at the comb with hair gel on it. He looked at the comb like he was looking for answers. I was embarrassed and bent down. He put it in his pocket and pulled out something. He handed it to the girl and looked at me with a smile. She hand me a torn note with a message and a handful of white pills spilled in my hands. I was excited to to read the note hoping it will explain to me his feelings and thoughts. No matter how I tried I couldn’t read the message

    • Dear Lovelyaslace,
      This dream is about you being confident in the power of all of your beautiful qualities that are represented in your hair. Others are trying to find the secret to your empowered state, but cannot find it. When you realize just what an amazingly beautiful human being you are, you will have a powerful effect on others. Be confident in your beautiful self.

  8. I had a really longgg nightmare and i really need someone to help me interpret it.

    In my nightmare, it started off with my dad who told me he liked little girls (in a p3dophilic way.) and he said that he liked this one little girl and he said EXACTLY THIS: “I like/love her adorable rosy cheeks.” In a creepy way. I was so disgusted and shocked. Please mind i already have a terrible relationship with my dad. He isn’t a p3do but there are possibilities.

    Then i dragged him to this old 1980s type of computer with a blue background to sign documents to give up full custody of me and leave me for good. However, he kept running away, but i kept dragging him back. He cursed at me while i was dragging him back to the computer, but he never said he DIDNT want to sign it.

    Then, I was in my old apartment where i lived in when i was in 7th grade to 8th grade. I was hanging out with some girls (probably my friends but idk them) in my apartment, and when i went to my room (the apartment was a one room apartment), i saw my dad j3rking off…

    (This reminds me of how in the same apartment, same room, my dad was drunk and asleep and i saw him with his pp out and i was traumatized cause im very sure nobody wants to see their dad’s d1ck out. I was mad about that because he was irresponsible and an alcoholic. Still is. I told my mom about it and she got mad and told my dad. My dad then told me, “if it was you, I would have just covered you with a blanket. Stop being dramatic.” Not even an apology. I feel like this correlates with the recent nightmare i had.)

    anyway, back to to nightmare. I saw nothing but black after that but then i teleported to a classroom. The classroom looked exactly like the one from the school i used to go to before i got kicked out for not living in the district. However, the classroom was kind of like a library in my nightmare. There was a lot of kids in it. Some kid let me play in a computer and when i did, it said, “Trauma detected (from you). Do you wish to continue?” I clicked yes (for some reason) and then the computer started to glitch like crazy similar to a virus and then i got sucked into the computer. Then i was running, i don’t know why but i know that i was running from something/someone. Then that’s when i woke up.

    If anyone would kindly like to interpret the nightmare i had, please tell me because I feel like God is trying to tell me something cuz it is rare for me to have dreams/nightmares that feel like forever instead of a few seconds. Thank you.

    • Dear Yuuooo,
      This dream basically informs of the two places in your life where you have difficulties because of your dad’s own dysfunction. They are relationships and academics. When you needed a supportive and encouraging father growing up, you pretty much got the opposite. Academics require a brain that is detached and objective as if you are working at a computer. In the dream you get lost in it like when someone overdoes video games. Relationships requires attending to the other people in a positive way. The lack of support and encouragement from your dad keeps your attention from being able to focus for long periods probably. The one thing you can do is to imagine internally that you have the kind of father that you wished you would have had. it is a big of complicated process to teach. You could probably use outside help to get support and then learn how to support yourself.

      • Thank you very much. 
        I have one question though, what did the p3dophilism from my dad mean in my nightmare? Did it mean nothing? I am asking because that is what disturbed me the most. Also thank you again.

  9. Hello, I hope you are doing splendid. I had a dream that has left me confused and contemplating. I can’t really draw out my current feelings about it because my past days have been spent on feeling not quite okay. Today’s not any different.I saw two kittens, one black and the other one white with grey spots. All I know is they spawned from nowhere or somewhere I can’t remember. It made me feel anxious as if there’s a burden of choice. What I’m about tell you next sounds horrible probably because it is. I’m absolutely disgusted by what I did in the dream. I threw the white kitten into the toilet. Just as when I’m about to flush it, Thank God I stopped. Going out of the bathroom, to my room, thinking there, making a choice. The black kitten comes close to me and somehow I communicate to the kitten that go fetch it back. Black one brings back the white kitty. These two were extreme cuties, very affectionate towards me. It felt nice and good. On a side note, I love felines, they have alluring/admired characteristics and striking charisma. Thank you so much for reading this.Kind regards.

    • Dear Nooray,
      When you have cats in a dream, it means that you are being asked to develop your own independence, especially your own independent mind. When you have kittens, rather than full grown cats, it means that you already have a sense of independence, but it is relatively a new thing for you. It is developing but not fully developed. You have two kittens, which means that the powers of your own independent thinking and being, are twice as strong as you may have imagined.
      Probably, you would want to discard one, even though it is horrifying, because being independent and having an independent mind is so counter to your cultural and familial upbringing. Despite the conflict, they are very much a part of you because the cats are so affectionate with you. They are completely connected to your life’s purpose. You need a strong, independent mind.

  10. Richard,

    Last night I had a dream that I was at my grandmothers house (she passed in 2007 and we sold the house after her passing). In the dream she was still passed on, I was just living in her house or my cousin was. Anyways I was there with my female cousin who I used to be close with as children and teens, but grew apart as we became adults. My cousins son was with us and so was my husband for some parts and some others came and went. There were murders getting into the house and trying to harm up, it was like a deadly game of hide and seek. When the broke in they corralled us all to the living room and basically said they were going to kill us. My cousin ran and got one of their machine guns and started shooting, maybe killing one of them and we all scattered. The rest of the dream was jumping back and forth between myself and everyone else kind of. In the end we managed to kill most of them and we were back in the living room and there was one left. My cousin goes and gets the gun and just starts shooting rapid fire everyone missing all of us and only killing the bad guy. Then her and I are in the kitchen cleaning up blood and the bodies are all magically gone and the house is back to how it was in the start.

    There was a stain on the kitchen floor that I started to rub and some glue holding the floor together came up in two places and then the hardwood on top was all bumpy and you could see the rotted floor below it. Then we called the cops and SWAT showed up in huge grayhound busses, like 2 or 3 and all packed in the backyard and the thought of them parking in the backyard was surprising and caused anger for my cousin and I. I woke up before SWAT came in to do anything.

    • Hi C,
      When you go into your grandmother’s house in a dream, it has to do with ancestral self. In this case the ancestral self was invaded by others whose intention is was to do harm. Their intention and the damage they would have caused in the past left certain positive energy in your family undeveloped. You and others did a good job of killing off the bad energy, even before the SWAT team came. This would have not been possible in the past. So, if the negative intrusion is now possible to stop, the question is what positive energy was left undeveloped. It is like you have the power to stop them now, so it is not empowerment. It is probably more about having a positive vision and then bringing it to fruition, but you can search your own inner being for what is missing from your ancestral line.

  11. Richard, it has been quite a while and hope you and the family are doing well!

    My dreams the last week or so have been so negative. I recall bits from them, but I wake up feeling the feelings from the dream and it causes some distress. I am able to separate the dream feelings from waking life soon after I wake up as I recenter myself, but still.

    Some of the dreams were my husband being mean to me with words and emotions. Last night though there was a dream that i was in my house (not my waking house) and my parents, husband and all 4 kids were there. At some point there were some bad guys there and and we stole some of their money – 3 million was the number. My husband took and put it somewhere. Then my daughter and I worked together to take it from my husband. We were able to get 1 million and then i was outside with all my kids and we were leaving my husband and parents behind for good. My daughter (who is his step daughter) wanted to go back to be with him (in waking life they are really close as her bio dad passed 6 years ago). We go back and he lets her keep the money. I tell her I get 10% of it for helping her get it and she was so upset that I was taking that much. I have student loans and a car payment and I was excited to pay those off with it.

    Then I was running outside and I dont recall why, but I was naked except a thong and it was raining out. I was mildly self conscious about my breasts being out and make a couple attempts to cover them with my arm, but I needed to run. I ran into the house and woke up.

    • Dear C,
      So really this dream is about how to deal with meanness. It is showing you the problematic way you are dealing or thinking of dealing with it now. It is your husband in the dream, but it could be anyone that shows negative behavior towards you. What you are trying to do is to paying him back with bad strategies (bad guys’ money). When you do that, it only causes separation and then it leaves you out in the cold and rain exposed. The positive strategy requires first being able to let go of mean behavior (no small step) and then to have your own positive voice of encouragement in your head. When meanness affects you, it carries with it a negative voice and being that stays in you. It can be replaced by your own positive voice and being or someone else’s that you know that is positive. When you are in your positive self fully, then you will know what to do. The source of all wealth is the positive connections you have with others. That is where you are headed. It will pay off your debts, but you have to listen your positive self. Feel free to ask questions.

      • Thank you very much.
        I have one question though, what did the p3dophilism from my dad mean in my nightmare? Did it mean nothing? I am asking because that is what disturbed me the most. Also thank you again.

        • Dear Yuuooo,
          What seems to happen with your ego brain is that when you need to feel supported to go for more intimacy with others and go strongly for competency, the feelings that come up are like being creeped out. Instead of feeling supported, you feel creeped out. The goal is to learn how to let go of the creeped out feeling, and instead feel what is like to be truly supported.

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