Breaking the Code of Fear: Becoming More Courageous

Before I write about fear and where it is trying to take you, I want to let you know that you can watch some of my videos on dream interpretations on tiktok. I am Dreamdoctor9. It is a new medium for me.

Fear is by far my favorite negative emotion because I have a huge amount of confidence based upon a great deal of experience that it is going to take me to a positive place if I process it. If your a man reading this having grown up in the current world we inhabit, at least some aspect believes that having fear and admitting that you have fear is unmanly. One of the current expressions that people use, when they want men to deny or bury their fears, is “Man Up!” Basically it is saying to bury your fear or put it aside, and then face the thing you have to face with courage. Sometimes that works in the short term. It’s like what we see in movies where men or nowadays, women, are at a bar, they take a drink of whiskey and down it all in one gulp, as if that is going to give the courage to “man up”, and then they go off and act with unending courage. I don’t know why the movie making industry loves this image of alcohol and courage, but it definitely has persisted.

What is the meaning of fear? Fear has a very simple meaning, which if you get it, will be awesome for you. You feel fear when you come up against something for which you do not have a current ability in your arsenal to overcome. It calls you to develop something new in yourself that you have never fully had before. It is not to be confused with anxiety which is the inability to act confidently with what you have already developed. Fear means you have something new to develop in yourself. That is the code. When you feel fear, the first question can be what do I need to develop in myself that I have never had before or have not had in a new way.

So if this is true, then how do you find out what the fear is calling you to. There is a procedure that I use, which I actually learning in my dream work. The new ability is the opposite positive energy from what you are fearful of. Let’s take a common fear, the fear of venomous snakes. If you live in certain parts to world where there are a lot of venomous snakes, then the fear is going to be more real than imagined, so even though I am going to treat snakes metaphorically, you still have to have a lot of respect for the danger in the way you would with a grizzly bear.

The fear of venomous snakes in a metaphoric sense is the fear of venomous people, who are people that poison your life with criticism and use vicious behind the back gossip and backbiting. Their intention is driven by jealousy because they cannot stand to see you being successful and are threatened by your positive abilities. Ambush predatory people are usually good at what they do so the first part of the new ability is to stay as far away from them as you can. You have to give their abilities respect. The reason you have the fear is that you or someone really close to you, like a parent, has been struck down by them in the past which now makes you weary of going forward with the things you want to do. When you are hesitant or hiding, then venomous person has done their job. It is what makes them exhilarated. They love being harmful to others almost like a drugged state.

You are first respectful by giving the predators distance, then you become a positive snake in your own positive environment, which is to be extremely flexible and go into places that need change where no one else is willing to go. The venomous people will not go there, but if you are flexible and courageous then you can go into difficult problem areas and make huge changes. This is what the fear is calling you to. Wouldn’t that be amazing if you could do that?

So remember the code for fear is NEW ABILITY which always requires an act of courage.

Step one. Name the fear, Man-down. Say it. When you say it, it automatically loses some of its hold over you. Put it out there so you can deal with it. Name that fear.

Step two. Find out how it makes you act using fighting or hiding or freezing.

Step three. Find out what the opposite of the fear. Name the positive opposite.

Step four. Begin to find the first steps in applying the new ability.

Note: Some fears are the result of intense trauma. You won’t be able to deal with trauma on your own. Get help. Lots of it. Man down, admit the fear, and go for help.

Example: (if not trauma based) fearful of speaking in front of group.

The fear of speaking in front of group is based on the fear of everyone in the audience looking at you and judging you in a negative way or putting you down. You can only have the fear if you or someone really close has experienced it before.

The opposite of the fear of being judged is the ability to love connecting to people with positive words. In the fear state, you see people looking at you. In the positive new state you see yourself making an impact on them.

Just remember that the code to fear is developing a new ability. You can start doing it today. Write me at or leave a comment and I can help you identify the new ability that wants to come in. Fear is great. It calls for new abilities. Take courage.

In the next post I am going to give more examples of fear and how to find the positive opposites which will be useful when dealing with other negative emotions as well. Remember that each negative emotion has its own code.

Photo by Allan Mas on

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