Dreams of Intruders

Last night in my dream there was a female intruder trying to attack us. I asked myself who was she in real life and how did she affect me. The answer that came was that she was a former supervisor who fired me. The experience in real life with her made my ego brain really attend to all possibilities of intruders like her.

Intruders in real life come in two forms. There are the type of intruders who have a lot of power and authority. When they come with their jealous leadership style, they make you stop a lot of activities that you would love to be doing. If you live in a house with dictatorial parents or work in a job with a dictator for a leader or in a country with a brutal dictator, then it is difficult to take initiative and make positive things happen.

Another type of intruder is that one who comes in and takes things like a thief in the night. They are not necessarily vicious or power hungry. They come into your life, try to get your love, money, time, resources, and whatever else they can without regard to you and what your needs are.

To deal with this first type of intruder, the main thing you need is a lot of wisdom. It is not like you completely stop everything. It is that you need to have a lot of wisdom so that you can continue doing positive things without getting stopped. It is when you get a lot of attention and notoriety for what you are doing that you get in trouble with this type of intruder. If you go into places where no one wants to be, then they will not bother you. For instance, in the first part of my career I worked with severely disabled students. Administrators were just happy to leave us who worked in this alone. Also when I worked in physical education in schools especially with younger children, then admin were not the least bit involved. When I was involved in science, I was always in trouble.

The second type of intruder requires boundaries almost like putting a lock on the door. It is not out of cruelty or unkindness that you boundaries are required. It is because you cannot get to the important work if you let in people who are just takers. It wastes lots of time and energy. They are energy thieves. When they have boundaries put on them, then they have the chance to develop their own selves in positive ways.

There is a third type of intrusion and that is the intrusion of negative thoughts when you want to be positive. They can be pretty insistent. I always think that the first step is to be aware of when and how they enter. Once I know when they are likely to enter, then I can have positive thoughts that will replace them. It is like your own ego intrudes in your own process and then tells you to watch out and be protective all the time. It keeps you from visualizing very positive ends and then feeling them as if they are positive.

The goal is to release the intruders and then be able to visualize extremely positive ends and go for them.

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